. . . unfortunately, it isn't my log home yet. Been working hard trying to get my trailer back to operational condition after it sat 10 years unused, and had tons of water damage. After totally rebuilding the roof and ceilings, the kitchen cabinets were next. Other than the refrigerator enclosure and cabinet doors, it too was a total loss, and had to be rebuilt from scratch. Got the top cabinets completely finished tonight, and the bottom cabinets should be done in a day or two. Takes some creativity, keeping things light and building to conform to the odd wall slopes. NOTHING is square in these rigs, and takes a lot of "eye-balling" and scribing to get things looking right. If I knew just how much was going to have to be done, I'm not sure I would have tackled this mess, but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and getting plenty of practice building something!