I have a Log Wizard and it worked great. I used it to flatten one side of my floor joist logs, notch for the floor joist logs and peel smaller logs for my stairway and loft railings and ballusters.

I have a healthy Husqvarna chainsaw though. It's a monster, however, it used to be on a small to medium Stihl.

The only drawbacks are, if your chainsaw bar has a sprocket on the end, it takes a little adjustment to get the drive teeth of the chain to synchronize. Not impossible, though. If you don't, it damages the drive teeth. Additionally, it uses 3-1/4" planer blades and require sharpening after a while, or, you can buy replacement blades for about 25 bucks.

It gave my handrails a sort of hand-peeled look, but not really. They look good though.