Hi to Everyone,

I'm Rick Buchanan. Live here in Washington. Bought a piece of
land right after I took the course from Skip. We've been great
but sometimes separated by distance friends. Took the course
somewhere around 1992. No date on my membership card.
Selling the land I bought and moving far away to build a log home.

Already have my new piece of land. I love it.

Been a woodworker for over 30 years. Involved in building homes
for myself and working for contractors, mill and case work, and
installation. Also been a firefighter for the last (almost) 24 years.
Just became eligable to retire 1 1/2 months ago. Will be finishing
our home here in Wenatchee, building our log home, selling the
Wenatchee home, retiring, moving into our loghome and enjoying
the good life. Will be far from inactive, just not fighting fire and
performing emergency medicine in the middle of night anymore.
Been told I'm very good at medicine and since I have my inservice
hours I should spend the little extra time to become a cardiac P.A.
Yeah, think I'll do that...right after I get a tonsilectomy by direct incision.
Sorry folks...I'm RETIRING!! Sorry for digressing.

My eldest is upstairs on the Mac working on the dowelmaking video
for the association. Shows how to cheaply (one of my favorite words)
make dowels and then using those dowels for building your model.
Will be available through the association (contact Ellsworth or Steve) when it's finished. Next I'm hoping to produce a log home model building video. Going to be a busy year. Lotsa building, remodeling, and getting ready to retire.

Also enjoy photography (wedding & portrait) and building guitars.