Hello everyone! My name is Jonathan. Ever since I was a kid experiencing the cabin life of camp, I dreamed of one day having one for myself. The font of this concept has gotten bolder on my bucket list over the years. Having an audio production studio embedded into this lifestyle, while also highlighting it with the surrounding beauty of Alaska is a dream I want to bring to reality.
Every journey has a beginning, and this is one of many ways of navigating this journey. Currently looking to create a discourse with this post of likeminded others intrigued with the sharing of cabins they have come across in Alaska, or just the sharing of design ideas they would love to bring to fruition creating an aspect of Alaska living with it. Please feel free to share any insights on ideas you have within this realm, and I look forward to meeting and sharing ideas with you as well.

I will also be creating a digital scrapbook to share as a collection of all the ideas and creativity that we create within this topic.

Thank You for taking the time to read.
