Nothing Worthwhile is Easy

Our current house and trees...

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After the sale of our current home, 'Big Business' is willing to have us stay as renters for a discounted rate.
In the back of the property of the house we are selling, there are about 150 white pines and norway spruces (sized between 8" diameter and 16" diameter at chest height). As part of the sale of the property, we were trying to work in "Timber Rights" but it looks like they are not going to OK that in the deal. To make it up to us they are looking at lowering our rent even further.
It might be a blessing in disguise. We could save for larger, better trees and have them delivered to us where/when we need them.

Some things just work out.

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Updated 07-30-2013 at 11:05 AM by Kara

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