View Full Version : Felling trees from a safe distance (humor)

01-16-2006, 04:33 PM
Put away your Stihls and Huskies. You won't need them once you got detcord! :shock:


02-02-2006, 05:19 AM
http://www.ninjawax.com/images/cactus.jpg Some people prefer taking things down the hard way....

I actually saw this happen to a volkswagon beetle once. The guy jumped a curb, hit the cactus. An arm of the cactus fell off, crushing the VW beetle. They had to extricate the guy with the jaws of life. I think the cactus won.

02-02-2006, 08:06 PM
If he would wrap the det cord with something, it wouldn't have taken as much............

SIX wraps?

Judging from the # of trees down in one of the pics, I'd say he went thru about 3 miles of cord.

Reminds me of a fishing trip I went on in my mis-spent youth.....